Populating Cubes

The INSERT INTO statement is used to populate data cubes with dimension structure and data. The syntax of the INSERT INTO statement is described in Appendix A. If the cube file specified in the DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE initialization property does not exist, it will be created during processing of the INSERT INTO statement.

The INSERT INTO statement may perform the following operations on a cube:


Binding specifies the column of the relational table that will be used to populate an element (level, property, or measure) in the cube. Binding is specified in the INSERT INTO statement.

Populating the Dimensions Structure

The dimensions structure of a data cube is populated during the execution of the INSERT INTO command by a series of SELECT statements executed on the data source to generate a dimension tree. After all of these SELECT queries have been executed, the dimensions of the data cube are fully populated and become static.

Populating the Data

Data may be read from the server in one of two modes:


When Microsoft PivotTable Service is connected as a client to a Microsoft OLAP Server, aggregations that were created for the cube on the server will be automatically created in the cached cube on the client. This improves the performance of the local cube.