
IDBProperties is used to set and get the values of properties on the data source object or enumerator and to get information about all properties supported by the provider.

Before the data source object or enumerator is initialized, the consumer can work only with properties in the initialization property group. After the data source object or enumerator is initialized, the consumer can work with properties in the initialization, data source, and data source information property groups, although it cannot set the value of properties in the initialization property group.

Only properties in the initialization property group are guaranteed to survive uninitialization. That is, if the consumer uninitializes and reinitializes a data source object or enumerator, it might need to reset the values of properties in groups other than initialization.

IDBProperties is a mandatory interface for data source objects and an optional interface for enumerators. However, if an enumerator exposes IDBInitialize, it must expose IDBProperties.

Method Description
GetProperties Returns the values of properties in the data source, data source information, and initialization property groups that are currently set on the data source object or the values of properties in the initialization property group that are currently set on the enumerator.
GetPropertyInfo Returns information about all properties supported by the provider.
SetProperties Sets properties in the data source and initialization property groups, for data source objects, or the initialization property group, for enumerators.


Returns the values of properties in the data source, data source information, and initialization property groups that are currently set on the data source object, or the values of properties in the initialization property group that are currently set. For information on how this interface is implemented, see the OLE DB Programmer’s Reference. For a description of data source, data source information, and initialization properties for this interface, see Appendix A in this document.


GetPropertyInfo returns information about all properties supported by the provider. For information on how this interface is implemented, see the OLE DB Programmer’s Reference. For a description of data source, data source information, and initialization properties for this interface, see Appendix A in this document.


Sets properties in the data source and initialization property groups, for data source objects, or the initialization property group, for enumerators. For information on how this interface is implemented, see the OLE DB Programmer’s Reference. For a description of data source and initialization properties for this interface, see Appendix A in this document.