
Opens the Select Data Link dialog box. Allows the user to browse and organize .udl files. Returns a fully qualified path to the user-selected .udl file.

To reference an .udl file in a connection string, use the File name keyword. For example, if the user selects the file "c:\MyData\Pubs.UDL", reference the connection string as "File name=c:\MyData\Pubs.UDL", then use IDataInitialize to get a data source object based on the connection string.

HRESULT PromptFileName(

   HWND                 hWndParent,
   DBPROMPTOPTIONS      dwPromptOptions,
   LPCOLESTR            pwszInitialDirectory,
   LPCOLESTR            pwszInitialFile,
   LPCOLESTR *          ppwszSelectedFile);


hWndParent [in]

The parent window handle for dialog boxes to be displayed. The dialog box will always be centered within this window.

dwPromptOptions [in]

Specifies the dialog box options.

Value Meaning
DBPROMPTOPTIONS_NODIRECTORYCHANGE Prevents the user from changing directories.
DBPROMPTOPTIONS_BROWSEONLY Prevents the user from creating new data link files.

pwszInitialDirectory [in]

A pointer to a string containing the initial directory for the dialog box.

pwszInitialFile [in]

A pointer to a string containing the initial file for the file name edit box of the dialog box.

ppwszSelectedFile [out]

*ppwszSelectedFile points to a string containing the full path to the file the user selected. ppwszSelectedFile cannot be null.

Return Code


The method succeeded.


A provider-specific error occurred.


The user canceled the dialog.


ppwszSelectedFile was a null pointer.

dwPromptOptions was an invalid value.


pwszInitialFile was non-null, and the file was not found.


pwszInitialDirectory was non-null; pathname does not exist.


pwszInitialDirectory was non-null, and the user has insufficient permission to read from the directory.


pwszFileName was an invalid file name.



Code Example

The following code fragment shows how a consumer might use IDBPromptInitialize::PromptFileName to prompt the user for a data link (.udl) file:

WCHAR      *pwszSelectedFile      =NULL;

hr = pIDBPropmtInitialize->PromptFileName(