Rowset Viewer Files

The following source files are included with the Rowset Viewer sample. The source files are located in the <install directory>\SAMPLES\ROWSETVIEWER directory; the Rowset Viewer executable file ROWSETVIEWER.EXE is located in the <install directory>\BIN directory.

File name Description
cdialog.cpp Handles all Connections, Properties, and other common dialogs.
cdialog.h Header file.
cenum.cpp Handles all Root Enumerator operations.
cenum.h Header file.
common.cpp Common support functions.
common.h Header file.
ctable.cpp Rowset helpers for calling rowset methods.
ctable.h Header file.
datasource.cpp DataSource, Session, and Command helpers.
datasource.h Header file.
error.cpp ErrorInfo routines.
error.h Header file.
list.h Linked list implementation.
main.cpp Main Module: Includes FrameWindow routines, MDI child routines, and most OLE DB method helpers.
main.h Header file.
makefile NMAKE file.
property.cpp Property routines.
property.h Header file.
resource.h Header file.
rowsetviewer.dsp Project file.
rowsetviewer.mak Make file.
rowsetviewer.rc Resource file.
rowsetviewer.rc2 Version resource information.
spy.cpp IMallocSpy memory leak checking.
spy.h Header file.
version.h Version file for Rowset Viewer sample.

The following source files are located in the <install directory>\SAMPLES\ROWSETVIEWER\RES directory.

File name Description
after.ico Icon file.
before.ico Icon file.
change.ico Icon file.
check.ico Icon file.
column.ico Icon file.
delete.ico Icon file.
insert.ico Icon file.
menu.bmp Bitmap file.
normal.ico Icon file.
readonly.bmp Bitmap file.
readonly.ico Icon file.
row.ico Icon file.
rowsetviewer.ico Icon file.
stop.ico Icon file.
table.ico Icon file.
toolbar.bmp Bitmap file.
uncheck.ico Icon file.