
The DataSourceListener methods described below should only be used when the provider is being written in Microsoft Visual Basic or Microsoft Visual J++. Implement the methods in your provider code using the appropriate IDispatch methods.

There are instances where a consumer already has an interface to a data set supplied by the object, and the shape of the data set changes. For example, the number of columns changes, the name of the columns changes, the type of a column changes, or the entire data set is reordered (the result of a sort operation). In such an instance, there needs to be a way for the consumer to be notified of the change so it can retrieve a new interface on the (changed) data by using a call to msDataSourceObject. Consumers will do this by registering with the provider for a notification.

The object must support a method whereby the consumer can register for receiving such notifications. The method has the following signature:

HRESULT addDataSourceListener(
[in] DataSourceListener*pEvent);

DataSourceListener is defined as follows:

[ local, object, version(1.0)
uuid(7c0ffab2-cd84-11d0-949a-00a0c91110ed) ]

interface DataSourceListener : IUnknown

HRESULT dataMemberChanged([in] BSTR qualifier);
HRESULT dataMemberAdded([in] BSTR qualifier);
HRESULT dataMemberRemoved([in] BSTR qualifier);
