
OLEDBSimpleProviderListener is the OSP interface that specifies the methods to be implemented by the host for receiving notifications of data changes. It is identified by the following IID:


OSP implementers issue notifications of changes to the underlying data through a single event handler. The event handler, registered through OLEDBSimpleProvider::addOLEDBSimpleProviderListener, implements the OLEDBSimpleProviderListener notification methods.

Notification Methods

Following is a list of the OSP notification methods available with the OLE DB Simple Provider Toolkit, along with a short description of each. There are pre- and post-notifications for each event. Keep in mind that the OSP notifications represent only one category of possible notifications; there are also OLE DB notifications and data source notifications. Click on any method name for the SDK page describing its implementation.

Method Description
aboutToChangeCell Indicates that the specified cells are about to be modified.
cellChanged Indicates that the specified cells were changed.
aboutToDeleteRows Indicates that one or more specified rows are about to be deleted.
deletedRows Indicates that one or more specified rows were deleted.
aboutToInsertRows Indicates that one or more specified rows are about to be inserted.
insertedRows Indicates that one or more specified rows were inserted.
rowsAvailable Indicates that a specified sequence of rows are now available.
transferComplete Indicates that the transfer of the entire data set exposed by OSP is complete.