Microsoft OLE DB Overview

OLE DB is a set of interfaces that expose data from a variety of sources using the OLE Component Object Model (COM). OLE DB interfaces provide applications with uniform access to data stored in diverse information sources. These interfaces support the amount of DBMS functionality appropriate to the data source, enabling it to share its data.

For information on support for Microsoft data access components, see the Getting Help from Microsoft Technical Support page.

© 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

The rest of this topic comprises a summary of useful items that accompany this release of OLE DB.

Core Components

Three redistributable components accompany the OLE DB SDK: the OLE DB Data Conversion Library, the OLE DB Row Position Object, and the OLE DB Root Enumerator Object.

Component File Interface(s)
Data Conversion Library MSDADC.DLL IDataConvert

Supports a limited set of conversions.

Row Position Object MSDADC.DLL IRowPosition
Root Enumerator Object MSDAENUM.DLL

For more information about the components, see Core Components.

Data Link API

The Data Link API exposes a user interface that can be implemented in applications to create and manage connections to ADO and OLE DB data sources.

For more information about the Data Link API, see the Data Link API Overview.

OLE DB Programmer's Reference 2.0

The OLE DB Programmer's Reference is divided into three sections: conceptual matter, interface descriptions, and detailed information in the appendixes. The reference contains enhanced explanations and clarifications to the conceptual material. Links to related information have been added for easier navigation, as well as new interfaces, data types, schema rowsets, and properties.

Please see the Web page for OLE DB Release Notes at

OLE DB Providers

Four OLE DB providers are included with this version of OLE DB.

Provider Description
OLE DB Provider for Oracle Allows high performance and functional access to Oracle data for Visual Basic® applications.
OLE DB Provider for ODBC Provides access to ODBC data sources by exposing OLE DB interfaces, methods and properties with certain limitations.
OLE DB Provider for Microsoft® Jet Allows Microsoft Jet-specific implementation of standard OLE DB interfaces, methods, and properties.
OLE DB provider for Microsoft® SQL Server™ Exposes interfaces to consumers wanting access to data on one or more SQL Servers.

OLE DB Simple Provider (OSP) Toolkit

The Microsoft OLE DB Simple Provider Toolkit is designed for quickly building OLE DB providers over simple data sources (for example, in-memory arrays) and exposing this data to any OLE DB consumer (such as ActiveX Data Objects, or any OLE DB-compliant application or control). This allows developers to expose OLE DB interfaces without spending the time needed to build an entire OLE DB provider from scratch. The toolkit is language neutral, supporting implementations in Microsoft® Visual Basic®, Microsoft® Visual C++®, or Microsoft® Visual J++™.

For more information about the OSP Toolkit, see the overview of the OLE DB Simple Provider Toolkit.

ActiveX Control Writer Toolkit

The ActiveX Control Writer Toolkit is an introduction for control writers to OLE DB control writing techniques. In addition, it assists in migrating obsolete ICursor interface controls to OLE DB. The toolkit contains the document, header files, libraries with source code, and samples.

OLE DB for Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

OLE DB for OLAP is a set of COM (Component Object Model) objects and interfaces designed to facilitate communication between providers and consumers of multidimensional data. OLE DB for OLAP is an extension of OLE DB version 2.0.

Test Tools

Nondistributable testing components can be used to assist in the development of OLE DB consumers and providers. For more information about the tools, see OLE DB SDK Test Tools.

Test tool Description
Interface Test Tool (ITest) A COM interface testing environment to exercise and explore OLE DB providers and to record the results of these actions.
ITest Spy Tool Enables the recording of calls executed by an OLE DB consumer.
Local Test Manager (LTM) Provides a single point of control for automated testing of OLE DB providers.
OLE DB Test Editor Enters the automated test framework code in a .cpp file for use with the Local Test Manager.
QuikTest Test Module Produces a useful overview of provider functionality.
Unsupported Sample Test Modules Sample test modules.

OLE DB Samples

Samples are provided as a quick way to construct and observe OLE DB interfaces. Included with OLE DB are the following:

Sample Use
Sample Consumer Demonstrates how to build a simple consumer.
Query Demo Demonstrates how to build a consumer capable of issuing queries.
Rowset Viewer Provides a simple way to view and manipulate rowsets.
Table Copy Demonstrates a simple consumer that reads data from one OLE DB rowset and saves it as a new table.

For more information on samples, see the OLE DB Samples.