Note The syntax of <value_expression> is generally the same as SQL-92, subclause 6.11, <value_expression>. Differences are:
<value_expression> ::= <numeric_value_expression>
| <string_value_expression>
<numeric_value_expression> ::= <term>
| <numeric_value_expression> {<plus> | <minus>} <term>
<term> ::= <factor> | <term> {<asterisk> | <solidus>} <factor>
<factor> ::= [<sign>] <numeric_primary>
<sign> ::= + | -
<plus> ::= +
<minus> ::= -
<asterisk>::= *
<solidus> ::= /
<numeric_primary> ::= <value_expression_primary>
| <numeric_value_function>
Note The data type of <value_expression_primary> in the above production shall be numeric.
<value_expression_primary> ::= <unsigned_numeric_literal>
| (<value_expression>)
| <character_string_literal>
| [<cube_name>.]<tuple>[.VALUE]
| <property>[.VALUE]
| <conditional_expression>
<conditional_expression> ::= <if_expression> | <case_expression>
<if_expression> ::= iif(<search_condition>, <true_part>, <false_part>)
<true_part> ::= <value_expression>
<false_part> ::= <value_expression>
<case_expression> ::= <simple_case> | <searched_case> | <coalesce_empty>
<simple_case> ::= CASE <case_operand>
<searched_case> ::= CASE
<simple_when_clause> ::= WHEN <when_operand> THEN <result>
<searched_when_clause> ::= WHEN <search_condition> THEN <result>
<else_clause> ::= ELSE <value_expression>
<case_operand> ::= <value_expression>
<when_operand> ::= <value_expression>
<result> ::= <value_expression>
<coalesce_empty> ::= COALESCEEMPTY (<value_expression>
{, <value_expression> }...)
<signed_numeric_literal> ::= [<sign>]<unsigned_numeric_literal>
<unsigned_numeric_literal> ::= <exact_numeric_literal>
| <approximate_numeric_literal>
<exact_numeric_literal> ::= <unsigned_integer>[.<unsigned_integer>]
| <unsigned_integer>.
| .<unsigned_integer>
<unsigned_integer> ::= {<digit>}...
<approximate_numeric_literal> ::= <mantissa>E<exponent>
<mantissa> ::= < exact_numeric_literal>
<exponent> ::= [<sign>]<unsigned_integer>
<string_value_expression> ::= <value_expression_primary>
| <string_value_expression>
Note The data type of <value_expression_primary> in the above production shall be a character string.
<character_string_literal>::= <quote>[<character_representation>...]
<character_representation> ::= <nonquote_character> | <quote_symbol>
<nonquote_character> ::= !!
<quote_symbol> ::= <quote> <quote>
<quote> ::= ’
<concatenation_operator> ::= ||