Lack of Support for Named Levels

The OLE DB for OLAP algorithm for generating column names for the flattened dataset relies on the fact that levels can be named. However, some data sources do not support named levels. For such data sources, the following methods are possible:

OLE DB for OLAP strongly recommends that the provider support the dummy name method described above. This makes the provider accessible to a larger class of applications.

You can determine exactly which one of these options a provider chooses by the value of the MDPROP_FLATTENING_SUPPORT property in the DBPROPSET_DATASOURCEINFO property set.

If the value of this property is:

Value Meaning
Provider supports flattening as described in the section “Flattening Algorithm.”
Provider supports flattening as described in method 1 above.
Provider does not support flattening. For such a provider, calling ICommand::Execute with a language dialect of MDGUID_MDX and asking for the IRowset interface results in an error (E_NOINTERFACE)
Provider does not support flattening. For such a provider, calling ICommand::Execute with a language dialect of MDGUID_MDX and asking for the IRowset interface results in an error (E_NOINTERFACE)