Returning Slicer Information

After finding how the axes are laid out, the next step is to find out what the slicer dimensions are, and which members are chosen from the slicer dimension. For the purposes of returning slicer dimension information, the set of slicer dimensions is treated as if the dimensions were on a special axis, called the SLICER axis. For the purposes of axis ordering, the SLICER axis is assumed to come after all other axes. The identifier for the SLICER axis is MDAXIS_SLICERS, and is defined to be the constant 0xffffffff, the largest ULONG (32-bit) value possible.

As it does for any other axis, the MDAXISINFO structure returns information about the SLICER axis. The cDimensions field contains the number of slicer dimensions; cCoordinates is 1 for most providers because the slicer for most providers is just one tuple. rgpwszDimensionNames array contains the names of all slicer dimensions and rgcColumns contains the number of columns corresponding to each slicer dimension on the axis rowset. The axis rowset for the slicer dimension usually has just one row because most providers only support one tuple for a slicer.