Entertainment PC 98 Video and Broadcast Components

This section summarizes the Entertainment PC 98 hardware requirements for video capture, television output, and DVD playback support. For complete information about the requirements summarized in this section, see the “Video and Broadcast Components” chapter in Part 4 of this guide.

14. Entertainment PC 98 DVD-Video and MPEG-2 playback meet PC 98 requirements

DVD-Video support is required for Entertainment PC 98, so DVD playback capabilities must meet PC 98 requirements. If MPEG-2 hardware is included in an Entertainment PC 98 system, it must also meet PC 98 requirements.

15. Entertainment PC 98 supports PC 98 analog video input and capture capabilities

Recommended: Additional support for digital video input using IEEE 1394.

WDM support must be implemented for all video input and capture capabilities as part of the PC 98 requirements. The video input connector should be easily accessible on the Entertainment PC 98 system (that is, not on the rear panel)

16. Entertainment PC 98 includes analog television tuner

Recommended: Digital television tuner.

The NTSC or PAL decode component of the television tuner and analog video input subsystems must properly support extraction of data transmitted during the vertical blanking interval (VBI). This includes allowing certain scan lines to be placed within a separate memory buffer.

Note: The requirement for a cable-television tuner does not apply for PCs sold in Japan or other locales where cable television is not a common standard.

17. Entertainment PC 98 includes digital broadcast satellite subsystem

If this capability is included in Entertainment PC 98, the implementation must include a digital broadcast satellite network card, a smart card, and drivers that meet PC 98 requirements.