DVD-Video Playback Requirements

In addition to the requirements in the previous section, the following requirements apply for systems that provide DVD-Video playback software and hardware. The goal for DVD and other audio/video (A/V) playback is to ensure that the end-user experience is the same or better than with a stand-alone DVD player.

15. DVD decoder driver correctly handles media types, time discontinuity, and decode-rate adjustment

This requirement specifies that the vendor-supplied minidrivers for DVD, MPEG-2, and AC-3 decoders have the following capabilities:


The system must be capable of displaying subpicture data as well as providing closed-captioning support for all such data stored on the disc. This requires YUV offscreen overlay surface support, as defined in the “Adapter supports MPEG-2 and DVD-Video features” requirement in the “Graphics Adapters” chapter in Part 4 of this guide.

Subpicture streams must be supported as defined in DVD Specification, Version 1.0, by Toshiba Corporation.

Note: Alpha blending is required for static menus. However, until alpha blending of YUV surfaces is implemented in graphics adapters, RGB chroma-keying of subpictures and closed-captioning information appearing over motion video is an acceptable alternative, although visually degraded, for 1998.

17. Subpicture decoder correctly handles subpicture properties and other functions

The minidriver for the subpicture decoder must be able to correctly handle the following:

For more information, see the Microsoft DirectX 5.1 SDK and the DirectX 5.0 information in the Windows NT 5.0 DDK.

18. System supports seamless DVD-Video 1.0 navigation


This requirement includes menu navigation, video selection, and language and subpicture track selection in support of the user’s ability to navigate DVD-Video discs. Test sources include but are not limited to the following:

  • Matsushita Electronics Incorporated (MEI) test disc

  • Joe Kane Productions Video Essentials disc

19. System provides a licensed CSS copyright protection scheme


The system must provide a licensed copy scramble system (CSS) implementation and support for CSS encoded DVD-Video discs to ensure proper protection for content produced in accordance with CSS, including regionalization and analog video protection/analog protection system (APS).

To facilitate the authentication process required by this scheme, software is provided as part of the Windows and Windows NT operating system support for DVD. This allows a DVD-ROM drive to authenticate and transfer keys with a CSS decrypter. Windows and Windows NT operating system software will act as the agent to allow either hardware or software decrypters to be authenticated.

For more information about copyright protection requirements, see the “Storage and Related Peripherals” chapter in Part 4 of this guide. For information about CSS or to obtain a CSS license, contact MEI (see http://www.mei.co.jp), or contact the CSS licensing entity when it is established.