Plug and Play for Scanners and Digital Cameras

The items in this section are requirements for Plug and Play capabilities. For Plug and Play requirements related to parallel ports, see the “I/O Ports and Devices” chapter in Part 4 of this guide or the related bus port requirements in Part 3 of this guide.

10. Plug and Play capabilities implemented for all supported buses

Complete Plug and Play capabilities must be implemented for all buses that the device supports. For information about the Plug and Play requirements, see the related bus requirements in Part 3 of this guide.

11. Each device has a Plug and Play device ID

All devices for all buses must supply a human-readable device ID in the manner required for the bus it uses. The device ID requirements for each bus type are defined in Part 3 of this guide; however, the device ID requirements for devices that use parallel ports are defined in the IEEE 1284 specification, as summarized in the “I/O Ports and Devices” chapter in Part 4 of this guide.