Accessibility Guidelines for Audio Components

This section presents summary lists of recommendations for design issues related to access for persons with disabilities. Item numbers are based on lists in related sections of this appendix.

6. Accessibility features for headphones


1 Provide a headphone jack.

2 Maximize the range of volume adjustment.

5 Provide a visual indication of important sounds generated in normal computer operation.

6 Send hardware-generated beeps to the operating system.

7. Accessibility features for microphones


  1. Place the microphone in an orientation recommended by the microphone manufacturer.


1 Use large, high-contrast, bold stroke, sans serif lettering, and avoid using artwork behind text.

2 Use tactually distinct icons for controls, connectors, and legends.

3 Provide optional Braille and tactile labels.

8. Accessibility features for speakers


2 Maximize the range of volume adjustment.

3 Direct speakers toward the user.

8 Include a speech-capable sound system.

9 Reduce noise level of operating internal components.