CollectionDef Class

See Also

Repository objects are related to each other via relationships. The set of relationships, all of the same type, that relate one object to zero or more other objects, is a relationship collection.

A collection type (also referred to as a collection definition) defines how instances of a particular collection type will behave. The characteristics of the collection type determine:

A collection is attached to an interface as a member of the interface. To add a new collection type to an interface definition, use the InterfaceDef class.

When to Use

Use the CollectionDef class to retrieve or modify the properties of a collection type, or to determine the kind of relationship that the collection implements.


Interface Description
IAnnotationalProps Gets and sets annotational properties.
ICollectionDef Manages collection definitions.
IInterfaceMember Relates a member to an interface.
IRepositoryDispatch Provides enhanced dispatch support.
IRepositoryItem Manages Repository objects and relationships.
IRepositoryObject Retrieves Repository object identifiers.
IRepositoryObjectStorage Creates and loads Repository objects.