Workspace Class

See Also

A workspace is a secluded area of the Repository within which you can operate on tool data in isolation from other Repository activity.

To insert a new workspace into the Repository database, use any class that implements the IWorkspaceContainer interface. The ReposRoot class is one such class.

When to Use

Use the Workspace class to perform any operation you would perform within the Repository, when you want to perform the operation in isolation from other Repository activity.


Interface Description
INamedObject Manages object names.
IRepository Creates and populates a Repository.
IRepository2 Creates and manages subsequent versions of Repository objects.
IRepositoryDispatch Provides enhanced dispatch support.
IRepositoryItem Manages Repository objects and relationships.
IRepositoryObject Retrieves Repository object identifiers.
IRepositoryObjectVersion Manages individual versions of objects, and the relationships among individual versions of the same object.
IWorkspace Manages workspaces.
IWorkspaceItem Manages the participation of object versions in workspaces.