ReposRoot Workspaces Collection

See Also

The collection of Repository type libraries that are currently stored in the Repository. Each Repository type library represents a tool information model.

Collection descriptor Descriptor value
Relationship Type WsContainer_Contains_Workspaces
Source Is Origin Yes
Minimum Collection Size Zero
Maximum Collection Size Many
Sequenced Collection ???
Deletes Propagated ???
Destinations Named ???
Case Sensitive Names ???
Unique Names ???


Set variable = object.Workspaces( index )

The Workspaces collection syntax has the following parts.

Part Description
variable A variable declared as a Workspace object. Receives the specified item in the collection.
object An object expression that evaluates to a ReposRoot object.
index An integer index that identifies which element in the collection is to be addressed. The valid range is from one to the number of elements in the collection. The number of elements in the collection is specified by object.Workspaces.Count.