RTblRelships Example Seven

An auxiliary row can include both sequencing and pinning information. For example, if a sequenced origin collection includes an origin versioned relationship with a pinned target version, the RTblVersions table includes an auxiliary row to indicate 1) which target version is pinned, and 2) which item in the sequenced origin collection precedes the current one . For example, the following figure shows a sequences origin collection, one of whose items has a pinned target version.

(include figure SchemaRshipExampleSequencingAndPinning)

To accommodate this relationship collection, RTblVersions includes

The auxiliary rows have the following values:

OrgID = 008
Z_OrgBrID_Z = 2
Z_OrgVS_Z = 3
Z_OrgVE_Z = 3
DstID = 984
Z_DstBrID_Z = 0
Z_DstVS_Z = 5
Z_DstVE_Z = null
RelTypeID = 522
Z_RelFlags_Z = 1

OrgID = 008
Z_OrgBrID_Z = 2
Z_OrgVS_Z = 3
Z_OrgVE_Z = 3
DstID = 777
Z_DstVE_Z = null
RelTypeID = 522
PrevDstID = 984
Z_RelFlags_Z = 1