RTblWorkspaceItems SQL Table

See Also

The table describes the inclusion of Repository object versions within workspaces. The IntID, Z_BranchID_Z, Z_VS_Z, Z_ItemIntID_Z, Z_ItemBranchID_Z, and Z_ItemVS_Z columns form the primary key for this table.

Column Name Data Type Description

IntID RTIntID The internal identifier for the object.
Z_BranchID_Z RTBrID The value of this column is always zero.
Z_VS_Z RTVerID The value of this column is always zero.
Z_VE_Z RTVerID The value of this column is always VERINFINITY.
Z_ItemIntID_Z RTIntID The internal identifier of the object version present in the workspace.
Z_ItemBranchID_Z RTBrID The branch identifier of the object version present in the workspace.
Z_ItemVS_Z RTVerID The version-within-branch identifier of the object version present in the workspace.
Z_ItemFlag_Z RTFlags A set of flags indicating whether the object version is checked out to the worksapce:

0—not checked out.

2—checked out.