RepositoryTransaction SetOption Method

See Also

This method is used to set various transaction options. The transaction options are:

  1. Whether or not subsequent transactions will execute in nonexclusive write-back mode. Nonexclusive write-back mode allows transactions for other Repository instances to execute concurrently, and caches updates for this Repository instance until a transaction is committed.

  2. Whether or not subsequent transactions will execute in exclusive write-back mode. Exclusive write-back mode does not allow transactions for other Repository instances to execute concurrently, and caches updates for this Repository instance until a transaction is committed.

  3. Whether or not subsequent transactions will execute in exclusive write-through mode. Exclusive write-through mode does not allow transactions for other Repository instances to execute concurrently, and writes updates for this Repository instance to persistent storage as soon as possible.

  4. What the maximum time is that subsequent transactions will wait to obtain a lock.

  5. What the maximum time is that subsequent transactions will wait to begin a transaction.

  6. What the maximum time is to wait for an executing query.

The first three of these options are mutually exclusive; only one of them can be set at a time. The last option set is the option that is in effect. The fourth through sixth options are independent of the first three, and each other.


Call object.SetOption( whichOption, optionValue )

The SetOption method syntax has the following parts.

Part Description
object The RepositoryTransaction object for the currently open Repository instance.
whichOption This parameter specifies which option is to be retrieved or set. For a list of valid values and their meanings, see the TransactionFlags Enumeration.
optionValue The new value for the option.