Migration Wizard Overview

The Microsoft Repository Migration Wizard (the Migration Wizard) converts Microsoft Repository's underlying database information from Repository 1.0 to Repository 2.0. The database information includes the core repository tables, the defined Information Models, and the associated data.

The Migration Wizard has a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that calls the core OLE interface(s) to perform the actual migration.

This Migration Wizard automatically converts all Information Models and instance data as defined by the Type Information Model in Repository 1.0. It attempts to provide guidance for anomalies created by the user; however, it cannot handle nonstandard extensions.

Note   You must register the Microsoft Repository 2.0 engine before running the Migration Wizard program (MigRepV2.exe).

What Does the Migration Wizard Do?

The Migration Wizard supports the following capabilities:

  1. Converts all Information Models and their data.

  2. Maintains internal identifier consistency.

  3. Identifies any alterations to the Type Information Model tables.

  4. Preserves the Microsoft Repository 1.0 database.

  5. Supports table owners.

  6. Allows database name selection for a given Data Source Name (DSN).

  7. Supports security and permissions. This version allows Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) connections to specify a user name and password. Later versions may address copying security GRANTs.

What Doesn't the Migration Wizard Do?

The Migration Wizard does not support the following capabilities:

  1. Merging data into an existing Microsoft Repository 2.0 database.

  2. Handling nonstandard extensions.