MdoControl Object

See Also         Properties         Collections

An MdoControl object represents a Visual Basic control in the repository.

An MdoControl object is also a RepositoryObject. In addition to the members described here, MdoControl objects also provide the members that are defined for repository objects.


Property Description
ClassName Name of the Visual Basic class module that defines this control.
Description Description of the Visual Basic control.
Index Index value for the Visual Basic control, if the control is a Visual Basic control array. If the control is not a control array, this property is set to negative one.
ProgID Program identifier for the Visual Basic control.


Collection Description
MdoControlContainer The collection of one Visual Basic container that contains this Visual Basic control.
MdoControls The collection of all Visual Basic controls that are contained within this Visual Basic control. This is not a default object member.
MdoISVControl The collection of all Visual Basic controls that are contained within this Visual Basic control. This is not a default object member.