Active Channel Server SDK

Welcome to the Active Channel Server Software Development kit!  This kit contains documentation and samples that developers can use to aid their efforts in using and extending the functionality of the Active Channel Server feature of Microsoft Site Server 3.0.

What this Kit Contains

This kit is composed of the following parts:


The documentation is composed of the following:

Programmer's Guide

The Programmer's Guide is a roadmap for extending the product, providing topical information to developers so that they can quickly and easily begin harnessing the power of the Active Channel Server feature.

Programmer's Reference

The Programmer's Reference contains technical information about Active Channel Server COM objects and the built-in Active Channel Server Agents.


The sample demonstrates a working example of extending the Active Channel Server through the creation of a custom agent.  The sample can be found in the Samples\SiteServer\push\ directory of the installation.

Periodically, updates to the Site Server 3.0 SDK will be included in the Microsoft Platform SDK monthly release, which will be made available on the Microsoft Developer's Network web site at


The following software is required to take advantage of this SDK:



Additionally, to build a fully installable Active Channel Server Agent, one must be familiar with constructing ASP pages and Windows GUI elements implemented using the IPropertyPage interface.


© 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.