Sample Files

The sample is composed of the following files/parts: (Note the extra path info in the file names)

The Sample Agent: Redist\SampleAgent.vbs

this is a VBScript script that performs the channel refresh when this agent is selected.

The ASP Property Page: Redist\AgSampleAgent.asp

this ASP page plugs into the WebAdmin tool to facilitate collection of the refresh options for the agent.

The ASP Wizard Page: Redist\WizSampleAgent.asp

this ASP page plugs into the WebAdmin tool to facilitate a wizard approach to collecting options for the agent.

The ASP Wizard Finish Page: Redist\WizPushChn0.asp

this ASP page is targeted when the user has finished selecting the options for the agent.

A Sample INF file: Redist\SampleAgent.inf

this file contains example install information for the agent.

The COM IPropertyPage Implementation. (all other files)

The rest of the files compose the COM IPropertyPage implementation that appears in the MMC snapin PropertySheet for the Agent.  This page facilitates the collection of refresh options for the agent through the MMC.

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