The TagList Argument

The second argument to the GetAd method, TagList, provides a number of capabilities. You can use a list of tags to target advertisements by communicating properties about the user, the current page, or the current HTTP request.

The simplest way to pass tags in from the page is to use the following syntax:

  <% TagList=Array("ad.size.Banner","ad.targetframe._new","Money") %>
  <% =Ad.GetAd(Response, TagList, HistoryString) %> 

This code will most likely result in the Trey Research ad being selected, since that ad is targeted to the Money tag. However, if another ad falls behind schedule, it may be selected instead.

The file in the AdSamples directory defines the AddTag subroutine. This subroutine makes it easy to construct an array of tags programmatically, which is useful when you want to target properties that are not known at the time the page is authored. Examples are targeting user attributes from Site Server Membership or attributes of the request, such as the browser type and platform.

By using the Taglist argument, you can:

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