Options for the Pre-Installed Channel Agents

The Active Channel Server comes with a set of pre-installed agents.  The options listed below are the ones assumed for each.  The name of the option would refer to a key in the RefreshOptions collection (Dictionary Object) passed to the agent during a refresh cycle.  The value of the key is then used by the agent to specify its behavior.  The agent options are listed in the table below.

Agent-> File System Database Search Briefing Promotions
ChannelHREF X
ChannelLevel X X
ChannelLogoRefs X X
ChannelPrecache X X
ItemLogoRefs X X X X X
ItemLogs X X X X X
ItemLevel X X X X X
ItemPrecache X X X X X
MatchCriteria X
Directory X
RecurseDirectories X
FileModifiedLastTime X
Catalog X
Query X X X
DefinedColumns X
Connection X X
ParameterName X X

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