This method retrieves any available ReplicationClient error information.
You must have Site Server Publishing administrator privileges on the server to call this method.
ReplicationClient.GetExtendedErrorInfo returns an array of ReplicationClientError objects. GetExtendedErrorInfo returns a maximum of one error per destination. GetExtendedErrorInfo only returns errors associated with replication destinations; it does not return other errors, such as invalid parameter errors or object not initialized. These types of errors are returned in an Err object.
If the previous ReplicationClient method or property statement was successful, GetExtendedErrorInfo returns an empty array. Therefore, you should check for an empty array before attempting to access the array elements.
The following example is an error subroutine that you can call when encountering an error condition following a call to a ReplicationClient method.
sub CError
dim ClientError
set ClientError = ReplClient.GetExtendedErrorInfo
'If the ClientError array isn't empty, loop through it
'and display each error
dim NumElements = Ubound(ClientError)
if NumElements > 0 then
Wscript.Echo "The following errors were received: "
dim i
for i = 0 to NumElements
Wscript.Echo ClientError(i).ErrorCode
end if
End Sub
See Also