Enum Method

This method lists the global parameters for the Content Deployment service.


ReplicationServer.Enum(Iterator, ParamName)



Used by the service to enumerate the list of parameters. This value should be initialized to zero, and should not be modified.


Used by the service to enumerate the names of the parameters. This value should be initialized to an empty string, "", and should not be modified.


You must have Site Server Publishing administrator privileges on the server to call this method.

For a list of parameters that can be retrieved from the Content Deployment service, see the Parameters appendix.


The following example displays the names and values of the service parameters.

Option Explicit 
On Error Resume Next 

const CRS_ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS  = 0&80003B17

dim ReplServer
set ReplServer = CreateObject("CrsApi.ReplicationServer")

dim ParamName
ParamName = ""
dim ParamValue
dim Iterator
Iterator = 0
dim ReplError

do while True
  'Clear any error text

  ParamValue = ReplServer.Enum(Iterator, ParamName)

  'Quit if "No more items" error 

  ReplError = Err.Number
  if ReplError = CRS_ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS then exit do

  Wscript.Echo "Parameter " & ParamName & " = " & ParamValue
'Release Server object
set ReplServer = Nothing

See Also

EnumProjects, EnumReplications, EnumRoutes

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