ACLs Property

This property specifies whether access control lists (ACLs) associated with replicated files are replicated along with the files to the destination servers.


ReplicationClient.ACLs [= SendACLs]


If True, the Content Deployment server sends the file ACLs associated with the files to the destination servers. If False, the ACLs are not replicated.


You must have Site Server Publishing administrator privileges on the server to get or set this property.

You can set this property at any time, but the new settings do not take effect until a connect operation, including SendFile in connectionless mode, is performed.


The following example saves the current ACLs property setting, sets the ACLs property to True (replicate the ACLs with their associated files), and resets the ACLs when it's done.

Option Explicit 
On Error Resume Next

dim Client
set Client = CreateObject("CrsApi.ReplicationClient")
dim ACLs
ACLs = Client.ACLs
Client.ACLs = True
Client.ACLs = ACLs

'Release Client object
set Client = Nothing

See Also


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