Accessing ReplicationEventSinkConfig Objects

You access an existing ReplicationEventSinkConfig object (event sink) by calling the ReplicationServer.EnumEventSinks method, as in the following example, where ReplSink is the name of the ReplicationEventSinkConfig object:

Option Explicit 
On Error Resume Next

const CRS_ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS  = 0&80003B17

dim ReplServer
set ReplServer = CreateObject("CrsApi.ReplicationServer")

dim Iterator
Iterator = 0
dim ReplSink

do while True
  'Clear any error text
  'Get an event sink
  set ReplSink = ReplServer.EnumEventSinks(Iterator)
  'Quit if empty object returned
  if IsEmpty(ReplSink) then
    Wscript.Echo "Empty object returned for event sink"
    exit do
  end if

'Quit if "No more items" error 
  dim ReplError
  ReplError = Err.Number
  if ReplError = CRS_ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS then exit do
  'If some other error, display the number and exit
  if ReplError > 0 then
   Wscript.Echo "Error: " & ReplError
  end if
  if ReplSink.CLSID = "NT" then 
    dim GotIt
    GotIt = True
  end if

if GotIt = False then
  Wscript.Echo "The event sink monitor is not monitoring events."
  Wscript.Echo "The event sink monitor is monitoring events." 
end if

'Release objects
set ReplSink   = Nothing
set ReplServer = Nothing

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