Accessing ReplicationInstance Objects

You access an existing ReplicationInstance object by calling the ReplicationProject.EnumReplications method, as in the following example, where ReplProject is the name of the project and ReplInst is the name you give to the ReplicationInstance object (this example only accesses completed replications. See the ReplicationInstance.State property for information on replication in other states):

Option Explicit 
On Error Resume Next

const CRS_ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS  = 0&80003B17

dim ReplServer
set ReplServer = CreateObject("Crsapi.ReplicationServer")
dim ReplProject
set ReplProject = ReplServer.OpenProject("MyProject", OPEN_EXISTING_PROJECT)

Dim ReplInst
dim Iterator
Iterator = 0
dim ReplError

do while True
  'Clear any error text
  'Get the next replication instance
  set ReplInst = ReplProject.EnumReplications(REPL_STATE_COMPLETE, Iterator)

  'Display error message and quit if empty object returned
  if IsEmpty(ReplInst) then
    Wscript.Echo "Empty replication instance returned."
    exit do
  end if

  'Quit if "No more items" error 
  ReplError = Err.Number
  if ReplError = CRS_ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS then exit do

  'Now you have a valid replication instance


'Release objects
set ReplInst    = Nothing
set ReplProject = Nothing
set ReplServer  = Nothing


You can access the replication instances of any or all of the projects on a server by using the ReplicationServer.EnumInstances method.

Once you have an instance of a ReplicationInstance object, use the ReplicationInstance.Query method to ensure that you have the latest information.

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