The Commerce Interchange Pipelines
A business-to-business scenario often involves two Commerce Interchange pipelines. One of these pipelines, the Transmit pipeline, packages an order and transmits it over a network or to a pipeline on the same computer. The second pipeline, a Receive pipeline, receives and reads the data, and performs various unpacking operations, such as decrypting the data, verifying the digital signature, and mapping the data to a format that can be read by an application.

The configuration of a particular pipeline is saved in a pipeline configuration (.pcf) file. The pipeline configuration contains the following component types:
υMapping Components. Converts the contents of a business data object to a transmissible format, or converts received data to the object in which it was originally stored.
υAdd/Open Header. Adds/removes elements to and from the Transport Dictionary including sender and receiver addresses and receipt requests.
υDigital Signature component. Determines the type of digital signature used (if any) to digitally sign a business data object, or to verify its signature.
υEncryption/Decryption component. Determines how to encrypt or decrypt the contents of the business data object, using certificates.
υAudit Components. Writes various pieces of the business data object to the audit database.
υTransport connector. Designed and configured to transmit or receive a business data object.
υApplication Integration. Invokes an application to process the received business data object.
For each stage and component in the Transmit pipeline, there is usually a counterpart in the Receive pipeline (in reverse order).
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