Page.URLShopperArgs Method

The URLShopperArgs method generates a series of query string arguments in an appropriate form for passing in a URL, and includes in the arguments the shopper ID if the StandardSManager has been initialized to URL mode. The URLShopperArgs method URL-encodes the values passed in.




An optional list of name/value pairs.


URLShopperArgs appends the current customer’s shopper ID to the URL argument list. The name of the argument passed in the URL is stored in the Application object’s MSCSSIDUrlKey variable.


Assuming that the Application object’s MSCSSIDUrlKey variable is initialized as Application("MSCSSIDURLKey") = "mscssid", that the StandardSManager is running in URL mode, and that the value of sku is 123, the script

<%= Page.URLShopperArgs("sku", sku) %>

resolves to the following:


If no arguments are given, the method returns only the shopper ID in the query string:


The following example redirects the current page to the Basket.asp page using a relative URL and appending the shopper ID:

pageRedirect = "basket.asp" & "?" & mscsPage.URLShopperArgs()
call Response.Redirect(pageRedirect)

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