StandardSManager Overview

Use the ASP Server object’s CreateObject method to create a StandardSManager object, specifying the Commerce.StandardSManager program identifier.

In the Clocktower store Global.asa file, the StandardSManager object is instantiated by the following script:

REM -- Create a Shopper Manager to deal with managing shopperId values
Set  MSCSShopperManager = Server.CreateObject("Commerce.StandardSManager")
Call MSCSShopperManager.InitManager(SiteName, "cookie")

Also in Global.asa, store the object reference as a variable in the Application object:

Set Application("MSCSShopperManager")   = MSCSShopperManager

This Application variable must have the name MSCSShopperManager, because other Commerce Server objects expect this string.


Commerce Server 3.0 sites can optionally use the Active User Object (AUO) instead of the StandardSManager object to manage shopper IDs.

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