The QueryMap Dictionary object saves multiple query descriptions, including the text of each query, enabling queries to be passed conveniently to OPP components.
The query map is implemented as a Dictionary object, where each name/value pair represents a single query description. Each query description in the query map is also implemented as a Dictionary object that specifies properties of the query.
The query map, named MSCSQueryMap
, is created in the Application_OnStart subroutine in your site's Global.asa file.
The following values may be created and specified for each query description. Only one of these values, SQLCommand, is required in a query description; the others are optional. If any of these optional values are not specified, the pipeline component will use the default value shown in the right-hand column in the following table.
Query description value | Description |
SQLCommand | SQL statement to be executed. |
ConnectionTimeout | Optional. Overrides Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Object’s (ADO’s) default ConnectionTimeout property for the Connection object for this query. |
CommandType | Optional. Type of Command object to create for this query. If not specified, the pipeline component will use adCmdText. |
MaxRecords | Optional. Overrides ADO’s default MaxRecords property for the Recordset object used for this query. |
CursorType | Optional. The value to pass to the CursorType property of the Recordset object when opening the Recordset object. If not specified, the pipeline component will use adOpenForwardOnly. |
CacheSize | Optional. Overrides ADO’s default CacheSize property for the Recordset object when opening the Recordset object. |