The QueryMap Dictionary

The QueryMap Dictionary object saves multiple query descriptions, including the text of each query, enabling queries to be passed conveniently to OPP components.

The query map is implemented as a Dictionary object, where each name/value pair represents a single query description. Each query description in the query map is also implemented as a Dictionary object that specifies properties of the query.

The query map, named MSCSQueryMap, is created in the Application_OnStart subroutine in your site's Global.asa file.

The following values may be created and specified for each query description. Only one of these values, SQLCommand, is required in a query description; the others are optional. If any of these optional values are not specified, the pipeline component will use the default value shown in the right-hand column in the following table.

Query description value Description
SQLCommand SQL statement to be executed.
ConnectionTimeout Optional. Overrides Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Object’s (ADO’s) default ConnectionTimeout property for the Connection object for this query.
CommandType Optional. Type of Command object to create for this query. If not specified, the pipeline component will use adCmdText.
MaxRecords Optional. Overrides ADO’s default MaxRecords property for the Recordset object used for this query.
CursorType Optional. The value to pass to the CursorType property of the Recordset object when opening the Recordset object. If not specified, the pipeline component will use adOpenForwardOnly.
CacheSize Optional. Overrides ADO’s default CacheSize property for the Recordset object when opening the Recordset object.

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