The TrafficLogFile Object


The TrafficLogFile object is included in Commerce Server 3.0 only for backward compatibility with sites created in Commerce Server 2.0. New sites should measure traffic with Site Server Analysis.

The TrafficLogFile object provides Commerce Server sites with the ability to log user information and site events to a plain text file. A site manager can then analyze traffic information by loading the log file into an application such as Microsoft® Excel.

The TrafficLogFile object provides the same functionality as the TrafficTable object, except that the latter logs information to a table in the database rather than to a file.

The TrafficLogFile object supports the following properties.

Property Description
LocaleDate Specifies the locale to use to format dates in the log file. The default is American (&H0409).
LocaleTime Specifies the locale to use to format time in the log file. The default is American (&H0409).
ColumnDelimiter Specifies the ASCII character (or string of characters) to use to separate columns in the log file. The default is a blank space.
ColumnSubstitution Specifies the character(s) to be used as the column delimiter if the data itself contains the character(s) previously specified as the ColumnDelimiter. The default is a blank space.
RowDelimiter Specifies the character(s) to use to delimit rows. The default is a newline.
RowSubstitution Specifies the character to be used as the row delimiter if the data itself contains the character(s) previously specified as the RowDelimiter. The default is a blank space.
BlankSubstitution Specifies the character to substitute for blank spaces. The default is nothing; that is, blank spaces will be removed.

The TrafficLogFile object supports the following methods.

Method Description
InitTraffic Initializes the TrafficLogFile object by specifying the file name to which to log traffic data and the items to log.
LogTraffic Logs traffic data to a file.

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