MicroPipe.Execute Method
The Execute method runs the pipeline component specified by the SetComponent method, applying its actions to the specified object.
Execute returns a Long result containing one of the following values:
υA result of 1 indicates the pipeline executed successfully.
υA result of 2 indicates errors raised by pipeline components in the basket or purchase error collections. These are typically customer errors, such as a mis-typed credit-card number. An error message is displayed to the customers so that they can submit the information again.
υA result of 3 indicates failure of the pipeline, such as the inability to access the database. This type of error cannot be corrected by the customer.
MicroPipe.Execute(Object, PipeContext, Reserved)
The data object to be processed by the components in the pipeline. For an OPP, Object is usually an initialized OrderForm. For a Commerce Interchange Pipeline (CIP), Object is a transport dictionary used to store various properties during the execution of the pipeline.
The PipeContext object is a Dictionary object that references a group of initialized objects containing information needed by the pipeline.
This value is not used and must be set to zero (0).
The way in which you call the MicroPipe object from a page depends on the pipeline component. Each pipeline component has a private way to set its component configuration from the component’s administrative property pages. The two most common ways are:
υTo create a dictionary and pass that dictionary to the component.
υTo set individual or multiple properties directly.
Other pipeline components may have different methods for providing input to the component. The MicroPipe supports all methods of setting the configuration of a pipeline component.
After the script has used the MicroPipe object, it must release the object, using the following script:
set MicroPipe = nothing
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