This interface, derived from IDispatch, is the execution interface for MtsPipeline and MtsTxPipeline objects. The role of the pipeline is to present the OrderForm to the sequence of components so that they can read and write data to and from the order, and transform the data therein. A component may capture information from the order and transmit it to some other back-end data store (encapsulated by the component).
Because this is an IDispatch interface, the methods may be called from an Active Server Pages–based HTML page.
To get an instance pointer on a component’s IPipeline interface, call CoCreateInstance, specifying the class identifier (CLSID) for the MtsPipeline or MtsOrderPipeline objects, and passing in the address of a pointer to IPipeline.
The IPipeline interface supports the following methods:
Method | description |
EnableDesign | Prepares the pipeline for execution in design or execution mode. |
LoadPipe | Loads a pipeline configuration (.pcf) file. |
OrderExecute | Executes the order processing pipeline (OPP) or Commerce Interchange Pipeline (CIP). |
SetLogFile | Sets the log file for the pipeline. |