Displaying the Contents of an Order Form

A sample Microsoft® Visual Basic® script, DumpOrder.vbs, is supplied in the \Microsoft Site Server\SiteServer\Commerce\SDK\Commerce\Samples subdirectory. When it runs, DumpOrder writes the contents of the OrderForm to a file.

To use the DumpOrder script
  1. Add the Scriptor component to any stage in the pipeline. Double-click its icon. In the resulting property page, click the Scriptor tab, click VBScript in the Language drop-down list, and then click File.
  2. In the File box, type the path to the DumpOrder.vbs file (or click Browse to find it).
  3. DumpOrder takes a file name as a parameter, so type the full path name of the output file in the Config field. For example, filename=c:\order.log.
  4. Click OK, and then save the pipeline configuration file.
    1. Stop and restart Microsoft® Internet Information Server (IIS), or modify the Global.asa file to restart the application. DumpOrder will write a file with the name you specified as a parameter when the order processing pipeline runs.

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