Creating EDI messages with MakePO

The MakePO component is used to generate forms such as purchase orders (PO) from an Active Server Pages template file and information on the OrderForm. In order to demonstrate how to create EDI messages, Microsoft has created a sample template that can be used with MakePO to generate an ANSI X12 850 message, which is a purchase order (commonly referred to as an 850.)

The template file for generating an 850 is contained in the file PO850Template.txt, which can be found in \Microsoft Site Server\SiteServer\Commerce\SDK\Commerce\Samples.

The 850 template can be used with the MakePO component in the Microsoft Market SubmitViaInterchange pipeline, which is used to send orders for office supplies over the Commerce Interchange Pipeline. The template may also be used with the MakePO component in the Map stage of the Microsoft Market InterchangeTransmit.pcf pipeline.

The 850 template for MakePO is compatible only with Microsoft Market. It can be used in the Purchase Order Submit stage of the SubmitViaInterchange pipeline or in the Map stage of the InterchangeTransmit pipeline in Microsoft Market.

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