The DigitalSig component, which usually appears in the Digitally Sign Stage of a Commerce Interchange Transmit pipeline, digitally signs the message. The component creates a message digest using the hash function and then encrypts the digest using a certificate. The component encodes both the signature and the message or only the signature, and then writes the encoded data to the Transport Dictionary.
υSignature and Message in XML Format. Specifies that both the digital signature and the original message will be formatted using XML before being written back to the Transport Dictionary.
υSignature and Message in PKCS7 Format. Specifies that both the digital signature and the original message will be formatted using the Public Key Crypto System (PKCS) before being written back to the Transport Dictionary.
υSignature Only in PKCS7 Format. Specifies that only the digital signature (and not the original message) will be formatted using the Public Key Crypto System (PKCS) before being written back to the Transport Dictionary.
υInput Field. Specifies the field in the Transport Dictionary from which the DigitalSig component reads the data that is to be digitally signed. The default value is
υSigned Output Field. Specifies the field in the Transport Dictionary to which the DigitalSig component writes the encoded, signed data.
υHash Algorithm. Specifies which hash algorithm the component is to use. This list displays the hash algorithms installed on your computer.
υHash Algorithm ID Field. Specifies the field in the Transport Dictionary to which the DigitalSig component writes the selected hash algorithm.
υSigner Certificates. Specifies which certificate the component is to use. This list displays the signature certificates installed on your computer using the Certificate Management Tool (see Importing a Certificate).
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