The EncodeSMIME component, which usually appears in the Digitally Sign Stage or the Encrypt Stage of a Commerce Interchange Transmit pipeline, encapsulates the business data object in S/MIME (secure MIME) format for transmission in e-mail using an SMTP mail server. The EncodeSMIME component encodes the object using IETF EDIINT draft Internet standard encoding, and then writes it back into the Transport Dictionary.
υOperation. Specifies the type of operation that the component will perform on the business data object.
υPlain Text. Specifies that the business data object is to be left as plain text.
υSign. Specifies that the business data object is to be digitally signed.
υEncrypt. Specifies that the business data object is to be encrypted.
υSign and Encrypt. Specifies that the business data object is to be both digitally signed and encrypted.
υCharacter Set. Specifies the character set to be used to convert the body of the message.
υSignature Certificate. Specifies the signature certificate that is to be used to sign the object. This list displays the certificates currently installed on your computer.
υEncryption Certificate. Specifies the encryption certificate that is to be used to sign the object. This list displays the certificates currently installed on your computer.
υSignature Algorithm. Specifies the signature algorithm that is to be used to sign the object. This list displays the algorithms currently installed on your computer.
υEncryption Algorithm. Specifies the encryption algorithm that is to be used to sign the object. This list displays the algorithms currently installed on your computer.
υRead From Field. Specifies the name of the field on the Transport Dictionary from which the business data object is read.
υWrite To Field. Specifies the name of the field on the Transport Dictionary to which the encoded data is written.
Every time EncodeSMIME executes, it rewrites a file named C:\EncodeSMIME.log containing a copy of the message being generated.
For more information on S/MIME, locate a copy of The S/MIME Version 2 Message Specification on the World Wide Web.
In order for EncodeSMIME to properly support character set conversion, the corresponding Windows NT code page must be installed on the computer. For example, the US version of Windows NT installation does not include the Japanese code page (code page 932), which must be present to convert Unicode to iso-2022-jp. For information on installing a code page, see Knowledge Base article Q164948.
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