
The GenerateReceipt component reads values written to the Transport Dictionary by the OpenHeader component, creates a return receipt business data object, and then invokes a transmit pipeline to send a receipt back to the original sender.

The following table describes the values that the GenerateReceipt reads and writes. Values are written to the return receipt business data object.

Data Source Target in receipt
The transaction ID. The txid name/value pair written to the Transport Dictionary by OpenHeader (originally written by the transmitting pipeline’s AddHeader component). txid
A digest of the business data object The msg_digest name/value pair written to the Transport Dictionary by OpenHeader. receive_msg_digest
Hashing algorithm used The <DIGESTALGORITHM> tag from the _return_receipt_request name/value pair written to the Transport Dictionary by OpenHeader. receive_digest_
The return receipt request The <DOCUMENTTYPE>tag from the _return_receipt_request name/value pair written to the Transport Dictionary by OpenHeader. document_type
The date and time when the receipt was generated The system time on the receiving system. receive_datetime
Document type (Optional) The Document_type name/value pair optionally written to the Transport Dictionary by OpenHeader (originally added to the Transport Dictionary before transmission, then written by the transmitting pipeline’s AddHeader component into the object header). document_type
Document source (Optional) The Document_source name/value pair optionally written to the Transport Dictionary by OpenHeader (originally added to the Transport Dictionary before transmission, then written by the transmitting pipeline’s AddHeader component into the object header). document_source
Document destination (Optional) The Document_destination name/value pair optionally written to the Transport Dictionary by OpenHeader (originally added to the Transport Dictionary before transmission, then written by the transmitting pipeline’s AddHeader component into the object header). document_destination

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