
The TableHandlingADO component, which appears in the Handling stage of an order processing pipeline, sets the value of _handling_total on the order form by using values retrieved from the database.


The combination of the Key, Apply when, and Method fields determine whether the handling charge should be applied to the order.

The TableHandlingADO component first checks the Apply when value. If it is set to Always, the handling charge is always applied to the order. If Apply when is set to Has any value, the handling charge is applied to the order whenever the order form contains any value for shipping_method. If Apply when is set to Equal to Method, the component does a comparison between the value of shipping_method on the order form and the text string in the Method field on this property page. If there is a match, the handling charge is applied.

If the component determines that the handling charge should be applied, it then executes the query specified in Query, which retrieves the handling charge from the database column specified in Column. The component then computes the handling charge.

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