Header and Footer Files

Both the edit and post pages for your ASP-based property pages should include header and footer files included with Commerce Server. The files that you include depends upon how your component exposes its properties.

For components that implementing IPipelineComponentAdmin, you must include the pe_edit_header.asp file at the top of the edit page, and include the pe_edit_footer.asp file at the bottom of the edit page. The post page should include pe_global_edit.asp file at the top of the post page, and should include the pe_post_footer.asp file at the bottom of the page.

Components that expose their properties by implementing Automation properties must include the pe_3rd_party_edit_header.asp file that the top of the edit page, and the pe_3rd_party_edit_footer.asp file at the bottom of the edit page. In the post page, include pe_3rd_party_post_header.asp at the top of the page, and pe_3rd_party_post_footer.asp at the bottom of the page.

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