GetPartitionDbServer Method

This method returns information about a specified database server used to host a portion of a specified partition.  Each partition maps a partition number to a database hosted by a particular server.

IDL Definition

HRESULT GetPartitionDbServer(
 [in] VARIANT lInstanceId,
 [in] VARIANT szContainerPartition,
 [in] VARIANT lSubPartitionNumber,      
 [in] VARIANT dwServerId,            
 [out] VARIANT * szServerName,      
 [out] VARIANT * szDatabaseName,         
 [out] VARIANT * szLogin,                  
 [out] VARIANT * szPassword,            
 [out] VARIANT * dwMaxCnx,               
 [out] VARIANT * dwTimeout,               
 [out] VARIANT * dwReplicationType                  


lInstanceId (VT_I4)

The LDAP virtual server instance the root database information is requested for

szContainerPartition (VT_BSTR):

The name of the namespace partition for which the information is requested

lSubPartitionNumber (VT_I4)

The number of the sub-partition for which the information is requested

dwServerId (VT_I4)

The server id of the server/database combination for which the information is requested

szServerName (VT_BSTR)

The name of the supporting SQL server

szDatabaseName (VT_BSTR)

The targeted database on the supporting SQL server.

szLogin (VT_BSTR)

The login name for the supporting SQL server.

szPassword (VT_BSTR)

The login password for each the supporting SQL server.

dwMaxCnx (VT_I4)

The maximum number of concurrent connections allowed from the LDAP server to the SQL server.

dwTimeout (VT_I4)

The maximum time a request should be allowed to remain outstanding on the SQL server (how long before the LDAP server gives up on getting a response back from the SQL server).

dwReplicationType (VT_I4)

The replication type of the supporting SQL server - A SQL server can be of types U2_REPLTYPE_WRITE, U2_REPLTYPE_READ, or U2_REPLTYPE_BOTH

Return Values

a standard HRESULT value

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