CreateDSPartition Method

This method creates a directory service partition for a specified container.

IDL Definition

HRESULT CreateDSPartition(
 [in] VARIANT lInstanceId, 
 [in] VARIANT szDn, 
 [in] VARIANT lCount,
 [out] VARIANT * plPartitionID,
 [out] VARIANT * plObjectID


lInstanceId (VT_I4)

the virtual server instance hosting the container to partition

szDn (VT_BSTR)

the distinguished name (DN) of the container to partition (e.g. o=realm/ou=members)

lCount (VT_I4)

the number of sub-partitions to put on this partition

plPartitionID (VT_I4)

on return, the partition identifier of the object to be converted to a subref

plObjectID (VT_I4)

on return, the target object identifier being converted

Return Values

a standard HRESULT value

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