Class SchemaObjects

The SchemaObjects class defines a COM object that can be used to access ADSI objects that define the schemas for users in various directory services.  Objects of this class use predefined Active User Object (AUO) entries to bind the appropriate ADSI schema objects. These schema objects are ADSI objects that provide connectivity and cacheing services for the data stored for the schema definitions.

An exhaustive discussion of working with the schemas defining directory service databases is beyond the scope of this reference.  For more information about schema definitions, directory service use, and the Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI), see the ADSI 2.0 documentation which can be found in the Platform SDK on the Microsoft Developer's Network.

In order for objects of this class to operate correctly, the Active User Objects (AUO) entries for the desired Membership virtual server instance must have been previously configured.  For more information about configuring the AUO entries for a Membership virtual server instance, see the AuoConfig Class reference.

COM Class Identification

The following values can be used to identify this COM class.  These values are set in the registry when the Site Server 3.0 product is installed.

Programmatic Identifier




COM Class Name


Type Information

Type library information about this COM class and its associated interfaces can be found as a resource in the following dynamic link library:

c:\microsoft site server\bin\p&m\auo.dll

It exports the standard ITypeLib COM interface.


The SchemaObjects class exposes the following dual interfaces:





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