Interface IADsContainer

The IADsContainer interface exposed by the SchemaObjects class is a strictly contained interface on an associated ADSI object.  This interface is covered in detail in the ADSI 2.0 SDK documentation that can be found on the Microsoft Developer's Network.  It is under the Platform SDK in the Network and Distributed Services sub-section.  The properties and methods exposed with this interface are listed below for convenience.


Name Description
Count (RO) Gets the number of Schema objects defined by the current set of AUO provider definitions.
_NewEnum (RO) Get interface on an enumerator object.  This enumerator will step through all the Schema objects defined by the current set of AUO provider definitions.
Filter Not implemented.
Hints Not implemented.


Name Description
GetObject Gets an interface on a named object. This name must be an AUO provider alias. The ADSI object loads will have Ads path equal to the path defined in the AUO provider under the name Schema.
Create Not implemented.
Delete Not implemented.
CopyHere Not implemented.
MoveHere Not implemented.

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