Interface IADsClass

The IADsClass interface exposed by the SchemaObjects class is a strictly contained interface on an associated ADSI object.  This interface is covered in detail in the ADSI 2.0 SDK documentation that can be found on the Microsoft Developer's Network.  It is under the Platform SDK in the Network and Distributed Services sub-section.  The properties and methods exposed with this interface are listed below for convenience.


Name Description
IID Interface identifer.
IOD Directory service-specific Object Identifier.
Abstract Whether or not this schema class is abstract.
Auxiliary Whether or not this schema class is auxiliary.
MandatoryProperties List of required properties needed before saving this object.
OptionalProperties List of optional properties for this object.
NamingProperties List of naming attributes for this object.
DerivedFrom Immediate superclasses of this schema class.
AuxDerivedFrom Immediate superclasses of this schema class.
PossibleSuperiors List of classes that can contain instances of this class.
Containment Legal objects types that can be contained within this container.
Container Whether or not this is a container object.
HelpFilename Optional help file name.
HelpFileContext Optional help file context ID.


Name Description
Qualifiers Optional collection of provider-specific qualifiers for this property.

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